Day 154 and 155: I took another of the books that I was given, a thick physics book, and cut out a rectangle from every page in order to make a book that is secretly a storage place. This turned out to be much more difficult that I thought it would be. It's hard to keep the book from slanting the farther in you get and if it slants then the pages don't match up exactly. If you don't turn the pages, it's hard to reach down through all the ones you have cut in order to cut the next page. The first day I got to page 310, before giving up and going to bed. The next day, I finished off the remaining 725 pages, starting with a fresh blade in my razor blade knife, so it went a little faster. It ended up having sides that slope in and out, and I haven't glued the pages together yet, so it is still unfinished. Despite that, I like how it turned out.
Day 156: So now I have a bunch of physics book scraps to use up, so I made a hanging sphere with a few of them. I made this with one of the kids I get paid to hang out with (lucky me!) His name is Aiden and he is 9 years old (doesn't he look proud?) He decided to hang it over his bed.
Day 157: Mazi and I spent the day at the Colorado Renaissance Festival with a couple of my friends and their two children. Before I left for home, I thought ahead about what project to bring with. I was overly ambitious in thinking that I could come back to the hotel room after the festival and make an elaborate project. I brought a stack of the physics book pages and thought that I would make a bunch of mini lotus flowers, enough to hang from several strings to make a mobile that would look like a beautiful shower of flowers. After walking around all day tightened up in a bodice, riding elephants and camels, cheering for knights and belly dancers, being awed by hypnotists and fire breathers, and drinking too much beer and too little water, all I could possibly manage when I got back to the hotel room were a handful of flowers. These were fun to make, though, because my friends Jeremy and Laural were reading some of the pages of the physics book, which were all a bunch of half sentences and we were laughing about how they are much more interesting to read than to listen to someone else read. The kids were all crowded around watching me make them, and one of them asked me to show them how. So I started acting like I was on an instructional TV show, and Mazi chimed in with commercials here and there, and the "audience" kept commenting on what I was saying and I kept responding to comments, and we had some good laughs over this.
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